Abby- Hi everyone it’s a wonderful, beautiful day in Costa Rica. I am at the homestays; my homestay’s mom name is Kimby. And she has two daughters and a husband. We are getting ready to do service today, and later there is a Fiesta where I will be busting a move. It is very early, 8:31 to be exact. I usually don’t wake up until 11, so this is very unusual to me. The food is great, it’s all homemade and organic. I’ve had chicken, rice, and beans for pretty much all my meals. It’s pretty darn good. I’m excited to play soccer and break EVERYONES ankles. Soccer is love, soccer is life. I BELONG. Gavin – Costa Rica is beautiful. You could take one step out of your second home and have the most amazing view of all of the mountains and greenery. All of the houses and parents are nice and welcomed us into their homes with open arms. Our house is so open to natures you feel like you are outside. This is because most if the house is outside! I am existed for many new adventures on ...
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